シリーズ - Metamorphosis (1983) 2003〜
私は今まで鉄 (鋼、ステンレス鋼) を使って多くの作品を制作してきました。
Of all the different kinds of metals, I have mainly worked in iron (mild steel, cor-ten steel, stainless steel) as I feel it portrays the image of myself the best.
I made particular use of the special properties of iron in the sculptures in the ‘Metamorphosis’ series where I used an intense flame to heat the iron bright red,
then created a spatial form by bending and twisting the iron.
I named this series ‘Metamorphosis’ based on the transformation of the iron
from its original form to something larger (like a chrysalis turning into a butterfly,
or a paper crane arising from a
piece of paper like in origami).

![Metamorphosis (変容) - 表・裏 <No.M - 33> / 2010 / H.27 x 40 x 23cm / 軟鋼 第24回UBEビエンナーレ(現代日本彫刻展) [模型入選]](https://image.jimcdn.com/app/cms/image/transf/dimension=590x10000:format=jpg/path/sf75cc30f80292096/image/i13fc70ae37f71f1c/version/1494172850/image.jpg)
![Metamorphosis - dimension(次元)について<No.M - 32> / 2010 / H.70 x 70 x 70cm / 軟鋼 第9回「風の芸術展」トリエンナーレまくらざき [入選]](https://image.jimcdn.com/app/cms/image/transf/dimension=590x10000:format=jpg/path/sf75cc30f80292096/image/i7cba2d4df9a69245/version/1386781723/image.jpg)
![Metamorphosis (変容) - 水面 <No.M - 31>/2010/H.185 x 180 x 110cm /mild steel (軟鋼) 第10回 あさご芸術の森大賞展 [優秀賞]](https://image.jimcdn.com/app/cms/image/transf/dimension=382x10000:format=jpg/path/sf75cc30f80292096/image/i091ee9fbafed4909/version/1494172897/image.jpg)

![Metamorphosis (変容) inside - outside 大地にて <No.M - 29> 2009 / H.170 x 400 x 180cm / 耐候性鋼 第23回 UBEビエンナーレ(現代日本彫刻展) [実物作品制作]](https://image.jimcdn.com/app/cms/image/transf/dimension=590x10000:format=jpg/path/sf75cc30f80292096/image/i55a71dc4f0922606/version/1398728546/image.jpg)
![Metamorphosis (変容) inside - outside <No.M - 28> 2009 / H.80 x 160 x 70cm / mild steel 第8回 あさご芸術の森大賞展[入選]](https://image.jimcdn.com/app/cms/image/transf/dimension=530x10000:format=jpg/path/sf75cc30f80292096/image/i1ba79ec9e0f8226b/version/1445099741/image.jpg)
![Metamorphosis Level - Vertical (M - 27) / H.30x45x20cm / mild steel / 2009 第11回 KAJIMA彫刻コンクール[模型入選]](https://image.jimcdn.com/app/cms/image/transf/dimension=600x10000:format=jpg/path/sf75cc30f80292096/image/iad6da73646b84889/version/1653880122/image.jpg)

![Metamorphosis (変容) 未来への扉 <No.M - 25> 2008 / H.250 x 250 x 100cm / cor-ten steel (耐候性鋼) 第8回 桜の森彫刻コンクール[優秀賞]](https://image.jimcdn.com/app/cms/image/transf/dimension=590x10000:format=jpg/path/sf75cc30f80292096/image/i4ffff266e1869b14/version/1494173030/image.jpg)


![Metamorphosis ひらかれた立方体 <No.M - 12> / 2005 / 耐候性鋼 / H.170x95x100 cm 第6回あさご芸術の森大賞展 [優秀賞]](https://image.jimcdn.com/app/cms/image/transf/dimension=393x10000:format=jpg/path/sf75cc30f80292096/image/ib4f42c2b7cc35258/version/1495613223/image.jpg)